Trusted by 3,800+ Accountants across New Zealand, Australia and Singapore.

The world’s leading Company Compliance,
Trust Management & AML software!

Enjoy a ‘hands-off’ approach to the Companies Office Annual Return process with automated tracking, downloads, database comparison review and delivery of the Annual Return to your clients.

Prepare and file all of your clients’ company changes to the Companies Office from within CAS 360 at the click of a button.

Manage your AML/CDD requirements for all of your clients’ Companies and Trusts with the ability to store contact CDD documentation.

Manage Annual Return dates, AML/CDD requirements and document deadlines with our daily automated Smart Alerts.

Send reminders to clients via email, SMS (or both) for Annual Return and document deadlines. Track all sent/received messages plus delivery status in CAS 360.
Will CAS 360 work for your needs?
Book a free 15-minute discovery call below.